Yoga Somatic Lab Monthly

Yoga Somatic Lab Monthly is a 2 hour somatic exploration lab offered monthly online.

Each month, we will explore different topic or sometimes a bigger theme explored over several months. It is highly experiential with some lectures to learn about the topic. Time will be given to participants to explore in their own time and also to reflect and share.

It takes place usually on the first Friday of the month (please check dates) and it’s at 14.30-16.30 (UK time)

*The recording of past session can be available to purchase upon request. Please email me.

Definition of Lab / Laboratory (by Merriam Webster)

a: a place equipped for experimental study in a science or for testing and analysisa research laboratorybroadly :

a place providing opportunity for experimentation, observation, or practice in a field of study

b: a place like a laboratory for testing, experimentation, or practice

Next Yoga Somatic Lab Monthly

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

9. Homolateral

Friday February 12th 2024, 14.30-16.30 (UK time)

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

February 2nd 2024 14.30-16.30 UK time

10. Contralateral

9. Homolateral

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

10. Contralateral

Friday 2nd February 2024, 14.30-16.30 (GMT)

It is the last of Basic Neuro-cellular pattern and it is called Contralateral pattern.

Contralateral is real integration of all things that came before and it is very exciting and fun to practice this.  We are moving up the brain level too.

It is a pattern common in the mammals and we also walk in contralateral.  

The preparation of that happens in our crawling - the earlier crawling is a belly crawling (homolateral) and it is a lizard pattern, swinging tail side to side… we are pushing the earth to locomote to get something a little bit beyond our reach.  In Contralateral, we are up and off the ground and we can reach to move out into a wider world. And this involves a diagonal / spiral pattern - yes, we are crossing a midline!

Sounds not so much of a big deal but it is.  

Anyway, it looks like opposite arm & leg are connecting / corresponding diagonally either toward or away from each other or sequentially…

(Well, I am still practicing to educate my body to have more spiral movement pattern available so I have more vocabulary when moving.)

We are going to roll, reach, crawl, and WALK! in this lab.

Please don’t worry if you have not done the earlier pattern. It is going to be a fun and joyful, I will make sure of it.

(You can catch up with the past recordings, if you like anyway)

Come and enjoy a wider view!

Book Here

“Upcoming” BNP Series

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

February 2nd 2024

10. Contralateral

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

10. Contralateral

Friday February 2nd 2024, 14.30-16.30 (GMT)

Details to be added soon


“Past” labs on BNP Series

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

July 14th 2-23

Special Summer Somatic Psychology Lab -

Spacial Orientation & Psychology

Summer Special Somatic Psychology Lab

Spacial Orientation & Psychology

Somatic Psychology through Planes

Developmental Movement Exploration

Friday 14th July, 14.30-16.30 (GMT)

This month, I am offering a special addition to the basic neuro-cellular patterns series - an exploration of our movement in different “planes” and its psychology. How do we relate to ourselves and the world around? How does it manifest though our spacial orientations? How our senses relate to our capacity in that? How our somatic psychology - attention, receptivity, communication, planning, moving toward & away, evaluation, determination, intension, determination etc. - relate to our movement? Discover the intimate relationship between our movement and perception.

Recording will be available to purchase. Get in touch.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

1. Vibrations & Cellular Respiration

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

1. Sponging & Pulsation

Friday 27th January 2023

In 2023, in YSLM, we will explore and learn about our developmental movement patterns called “Basic Neurocellular Patterns”.

“Movement is a language, and the body is the instrument through which it speaks”

These are words by Leonard Cohen, the administrative director of School for Body-Mind Centering®. He is married to Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and describes his wife as a movement linguist.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns (BNP) are a series of automatic movement sequences that normally emerge and ideally integrate through infancy, progressing from simple to more complex. The earlier simpler movement patterns underly the more complex ones that follow and establish a foundation for our movement, as well as our perceptual, emotional and cognitive processes. This is how we build our relationships to ourselves and the environment and others in our lives. Although it is what infants go through, there is innumerable benefits in going through them again as adults. Because that is how we can “re-pattern” our existing knowing. Repatterning is to find new pathways in our cellular and nervous system memories (hence Neuro-cellular) to pick up what we might have missed out or expand & refine existing ones.

In the first few labs, we will go through what we call “Prevertebrate Patterns”, which are patterns of the internal movement (movement arising in fluid soft living tissues). They precede and form the more complex movement of the vertebrate patterns and are fundamental to the gross motor skills that come later

We begin this journey with Vibration & Cellular Respiration in the first lab. Do join and let us begin this worthy exploration together!

You can get the recording of this session.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

February 24th 2023

2. Sponging & Pulsation

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

3. Sponging & Pulsation

Friday February 24th 2023

In 2023, in YSLM, we are exploring & learning about our developmental movement patterns called “Basic Neurocellular Patterns”.

“Movement is a language, and the body is the instrument through which it speaks”

These are words by Leonard Cohen, the administrative director of School for Body-Mind Centering®. He is married to Bonnie Bainbridge Cohen and describes his wife as a movement linguist.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns (BNP) are a series of automatic movement sequences that normally emerge and ideally integrate through infancy, progressing from simple to more complex. The earlier simpler movement patterns underly the more complex ones that follow and establish a foundation for our movement, as well as our perceptual, emotional and cognitive processes. This is how we build our relationships to ourselves and the environment and others in our lives. Although it is what infants go through, there is innumerable benefits in going through them again as adults. Because that is how we can “re-pattern” our existing knowing. Repatterning is to find new pathways in our cellular and nervous system memories (hence Neuro-cellular) to pick up what we might have missed out or expand & refine existing ones.

In the first few labs, we are going through what we call “Prevertebrate Patterns”, which are patterns of the internal movement (movement arising in fluid soft living tissues). They precede and form the more complex movement of the vertebrate patterns and are fundamental to the gross motor skills that come later

In the previous lab, we discovered the peaceful stillness of our being through cellular respiration. In February, we are going to look at movement patterns called “Sponging” and “Pulsation”. They are literally internal fluid movement patterns that prepare us toward external movement and continue to support ease and expressiveness in later patterns. They help relieve any existing holding patterns in our body and support regulation of the nervous system.

If you have not done the previous lab, don’t worry. We will review what we covered in the previous month in the lab. You can also purchase the recordings of the past labs to catch up in your own time.

You can get the recording of this session.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

24th March 2023

3. Navel Radiation

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

3. Navel Radiation

Friday March 24th 2023

“Movement is a language, and the body is the instrument through which it speaks” - L . Cohen

In 2023, in YSLM, we are exploring & learning about our developmental movement patterns called “Basic Neurocellular Patterns”.

In the first few labs, we are going through what we call “Prevertebrate Patterns”, which are patterns of the internal movement (movement arising in fluid soft living tissues). They precede and form the more complex movement of the vertebrate patterns and are fundamental to the gross motor skills that come later

In March, we are going to explore Navel Radiation! Navel Radiation is the first pattern in humans that moves us through space. Having found a basic “being-ness” of Cellular Respiration and fluid nature of our internal movement through the Sponging & Pulsation, we are ready to move in a more structured way, a bit like a starfish.

In this pattern, every limb is connected the navel - like we did before we were born, we received our nourishment through the navel. We will discover 6 limbs - a head, a tail, 2 arms & 2 legs that are all connected and through the navel. The internal fluid movements from previous patterns will support this pattern by connecting those parts through the fluid tissues. NR is essential for each of our limb to be differentiated and integrated and for us to begin developing the Proprioception (our sense of position in space and where the body parts are in relation to one another) and Kinesthesia (our sense of motion and the movement of the body as a whole and parts) the later patterns. Without the NR, later patterns will be weakened. As everything moves from / through the centre, our belly, we will affirm our sense of essential self and while this pattern moves us through the space, what drives the movement arising internally and less about external intension. What a fantastic way to re-affirm or discover our sense of self - our belly centred sense of self!

If you have not done the previous lab, don’t worry. We will review what we covered in the previous month in the lab. You can also purchase the recordings of the past labs to catch up in your own time.

Do join and let us continue this worthy exploration together!

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns (BNP) are a series of automatic movement sequences that normally emerge and ideally integrate through infancy, progressing from simple to more complex. The earlier simpler movement patterns underly the more complex ones that follow and establish a foundation for our movement, as well as our perceptual, emotional and cognitive processes. This is how we build our relationships to ourselves and the environment and others in our lives. Although it is what infants go through, there is innumerable benefits in going through them again as adults. Because that is how we can “re-pattern” our existing knowing. Repatterning is to find new pathways in our cellular and nervous system memories (hence Neuro-cellular) to pick up what we might have missed out or expand & refine existing ones.

You can get the recording of this session.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

4. Mouthing

April 21st 2023

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

4. Mouthing

We will continue with our exploration of Prevertebrate patterns within the Basic Neuro-cellular Pattern (see the previous posts for more explanations on BNP and prevertebrate patterns).

This month, we will learn about our mouth! Yes, mouth!

The 4th pre vertebrate pattern is called “Mouthing”.

In the Navel Radiation, we learn the connectivity of all the parts through the fluid tissues and basic proprioception and kinesthesia all organised around the navel - which was an equivalence of our mouth for fetus.

In the Mouthing, we will now know which way is our head and which way is our tail.  So we now have the vertical axis - our mid-line orientation.  These are big deals!

Human foetus develops this pattern while still in the womb through swallowing amniotic fluid or thumb sucking.

“Mouthing” is movement initiated by the mouth and it connects longitudinally through the body to the anus (our digestive tract - affiliation to parasympathetic nervous system/ enteric nervous system).

This underlies and is the foundation of the process of our perception of the outer world via the special senses of the head - nose, ears, eyes.  (Underlying support for the ventral vagus)

It supports the efficiency of our movement and also establishes the foundation of our coordination of our arms/hands and our ability to engage with the world. Analing, which is the other end of the polarity supports the coronation and efficiency in the lower limbs.

Our sense of needs, desire, and curiosity express here - including our capacity to know and say “Yes” and “No” from our gut!  (Oral rooting / Anal rooting = primitive reflexes)

It is a great place to learn about where we have not expressed our needs - not just in words but in our body and variations of exploration of the mouth, TMJ are often used in supporting healing from PTSD/CPTSD.

In Body-Mind Centering approach, it offers opportunities for you to discover more varied and intricate aspects of this.

If you have not done the previous lab, don’t worry. We will review what we covered in the previous month in the lab. You can also purchase the recordings of the past labs to catch up in your own time.

YSLM offers you a safe and playful way to learn about yourself.

You can get the recording of this session.


If you would like recording(s) of past labs, do get in touch. They are available for purchase.

“Past” labs on BNP Series

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

May 19th 2023

5. Prespinal

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

5. Prespinal

Friday May 19th 2023, 14.30-16.30 (GMT)

This month’s YSLM, we will explore the last of the Pre-vertebrate Patterns, called “Pre-spinal”.
It represents a soft, undulating spinal movement which prepares and supports us before the bony vertebrate spinal pattern. It has a quiet flowing movement of our mid-line structure, and brings together the gut tube in the front, the brain and the spinal cord (with CSF - cerebral spinal fluid) in the back, and the notochord which is our original central axis.

We can also experience the beginning qualities of the autonomic nervous system (parasympathetic & sympathetic) and the somatic nervous system (it’s the nervous system innervates the skeletal muscles). Overall, together with the mouthing and the other special sense organs of the head (nose, ears and eyes), they all contribute toward the states known as ventral vagus states, where there is generally a sense of safety and that we can rest at ease or feel the connection with others in the restful state (without fear) and enjoy activity and social engagement.

If you have not done the previous patterns, don’t worry. We will review the previous patterns.
Come with curiosity and open mind.

Recording available for purchase.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

June 2023

6. Yield & Push,

Yielding is the process of actively responding to gravity and the supporting surface and it allows us to engage the dynamic whole body tone. This is such a key foundation for our movement - whether daily or something aimed more sophisticated and intentional - like sport, dance, yoga, martial arts etc. When I see a good mover, usually that is what I consciously or unconsciously picking up in their movement.

Often when early bonding did not happen, then this yielding process can be missed out in one’s experience. It can then inevitably affects their baseline state (in their nervous system or otherwise) which then everything else will then try to build on this unyielded foundation. Good news is that we can, on the other hand, re-pattern this early memory through awareness of the felt-sense of our somatic process.

Yielding precede the push pattern which then leads to reach and pull patterns. These are fundamentals of developmental movement patterns.

Come and explore and embody this wholesome process, together with me and the community.

If you have not attended the earlier labs, no worries. There’s always a recap and also this lab can be experienced as stand alone.

You can get the recording of this session.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

September 15th 2023

7a. Spinal - Part 1

Yield & Push

Fluid to boney midline

This is the first of the “vertebrate pattern” (of Basic Neuro-Cellular Pattens) and we begin with the Spinal Yield & Push patterns.

First we will re-cap the fluid midline pattern of “Pre-spinal” so it can be an underlying support for our bony spinal patterns.  We need the bony spinal pattern for our strength and be able to move through space using our skeletal & muscular systems.

Condensing quality of Yield & Push patterns is essential in order to embody a sense of cohesiveness, sequentiality and organisation of our being and moving.  Without it our movement will lack our sense of internal orientation within ourselves. Our internal orientation is the basis for our self to relate and orient with the outside world.

So it is so important to establish this pattern both for our movement and Bio-Psycho-Social aspects.

I have been researching and sharing this practice with the neurodivergent populations and how they might find the BNP supportive for them as well as exploring together with my trauma clients to re-pattern/re-negotiate their sense of disorganisations.

Do join me and the community and let us continue this worthy exploration together!

If you have not done the previous lab, don’t worry. We will review what we covered in the previous month(s) in the lab. And of course, if you would like to watch the past labs, you can also purchase the recordings.

I made a 4 minute video (for instagram) describing the significance of the spinal patterns. If you would like to watch it, it’s here.

Get the recording of this session.

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

7b. Spinal - Part 2

Yield & Push

from Head & Tail

TMJ / AO Joint / Coccyx

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

7b Spinal Part 2

Friday February 24th 2023

This is the part 2 of the Spinal Yield & Push patterns: Yield & Push from Head & Tail.

In this lab, we will study about TMJ - Temporal-Mandibular Joint, AO joint - Atlanto-Occipital Joint, and the Coccyx - our tail. Embodying and articulating those joints are incredibly important for our spinal movement and there are many other benefits to that.

As I wrote before, vertebrate pattern is the pattern where the force can move through the solidity of bones and connectivity through joints. Condensing quality of Yield & Push patterns is essential in order to embody a sense of cohesiveness, sequentiality and organisation of our being.  Through Yield & Push pattern, the parts are in relationship with each other and supports further movement like reaching. Without it our movement will lack organisation and also sense of internal orientation within ourselves. Our internal orientation is the basis for our self to relate and orient with the outside world.

If you have not done the previous lab, don’t worry. We will review what we covered in the previous month(s) in the lab.

I made a 4 minute video (for instagram) describing the significance of the spinal patterns. If you would like to watch it, it’s here.

Basic Neurocellular Patterns

November 17th 2023

7c. Spinal - Part 3

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

7c. Spinal Part 3

This is the part 3 of the Spinal patterns and we will explore the REACH & Pull from Head & Tail.

Reach & Pull patterns are exciting as it is time for us (or a baby) to begin exploring the world outside of ourselves and reach for what we desire, what is beyond currently available. Yield & Push patterns has given us a clearer embodied solid sense of self and now “I” am ready to go further, see the world and be creative. Reach & Pull patterns are elongating movement patterns and we need them for us to be able to feel lightness in the spine and hence essential for us to be able to change levels and enable us to go beyond our kinesphere.*

As we reach from our head or tail, that needs to be followed by the rest of the spine all the way to the opposite end by “Pulling”. Otherwise we will collapse and fall.

Remember that without the sense of self (Yield &Push), our movement will lack organisation and a sense of internal orientation within ourselves. Because our internal orientation is the basis for our self to relate and orient with the outside world. So you will be going back & forth, from Yield &Push to Reach & Pull as often as you need and let it gradually develop this immensely important and enjoyable transitions. Also from the nervous system and bio-psycho-social aspects, these transitions will support regulation / modulation / balance of our states, rest & activity.

Embodying the Reach & Pull pattern is immensely exciting and enjoyable process and literally open up your possibility.

Do join me and the community and let us continue this worthy exploration together!

If you have not done the previous lab, don’t worry. We will review what we covered in the previous month(s) in the lab. And of course, if you would like to watch the past labs, you can also purchase the recordings.

*Kinesphere is one’s personal space or a space that can be reached easily by extended limbs.

Basic Neurocellular Patterns

8. Homologous

Feeling our Power & Capacity for Direct, Immediate action

Basic Neuro-cellular Patterns

8. Homologous

Friday 1st December, 14.30-16.30 (GMT)

This month, we are going to explore Homologous Yield & Push and Reach and Pull.

Following the spinal pattern, we are now ready to move through space. Homologous patterns are symmetrical - arms & legs are in parallel on either side of the spine. Before their development, we are predominantly spinal beings. However, the spine alone does not take us far in life. We need our limbs to support us to push off the ground and reach out into the world. This transition is important - Homologous (and all other patterns that follow) becomes effortful or ineffective without the underlying support of the spine.

Through engaging the Homologous patterns, we develop middle orientation. The midline orientation is the bringing together of both sides of the body. It affects our hands, arms, feet, legs and all the senses to meet at the midline, bringing balance of the right and left sides of our body, senses and brain. Homologous patterns also help coordinate upper & lower halves of the body too, as the symmetrical upper & lower limbs flex & extend.

Homologous Yield & Push pattern develops strength and grounding by relating to the earth and the gravity, it allows a sense of power, a capacity for direct and immediate action. Homologous Reach & Pull develops a sense of effortless and a capacity for instantaneous action to reach to obtain what we desire.

Bio-Psycho-Socially, when we embody them:

the Homologous Yield & Push onnects us to our inner intention

Reach & Pull connects us to our outer intention

Do join me and the community and let us continue this worthy exploration together!

If you have not done the previous lab, don’t worry. We will review what we covered in the previous month(s) in the lab. And of course, if you would like to watch the past labs, you can also purchase the recordings.

Basic Neurocellular Patterns

9. Homolateral

As we continue with our developmental movement pattern (Basic Neurocellular Patterns), we are going to be exploring… Homolateral Pattern.

What is that?  It is a movement pattern we see in “belly crawling” babies.

In other words, it is “Crawling like a Lizard!”  🦎

We swing our tail side to side, balancing the left & right sides of our midline.

As an adult, you might not be able to relate to crawling patterns or think WHAT IS THAT FOR??

However, those patterns prepared us all to stand and walk, yes, but also to jump, swim, ride, dance, run, climb etc… and also to feel, think, solve AND to relate! Do you know what that means? It means that this is our ABC of our movement and contains development of our Nervous System, emotional well-being, psychology and all.

Like all developmental patterns, Homolateral is crucial for our brain development and it supports our learning capacities too.  So it’s very worth your re-visit!

Belly crawling prepares us for the more advanced crawling (Contralateral) pattern which is the last of the developmental movement pattern that leads us to then to standing & walking.

Homolateral pattern allows us to travel thru space to move to get what we want. Our world is getting bigger to explore!

Its significance also includes balancing left & right sides and bring symmetry both physically and neurologically.    Hence it offers clues how to approach scoliosis in various degrees.

Learning and practicing developmental movement serves us all to re-pattern our weakness for a stronger, more balanced ways and it expands our “base line” - meaning more choices and possibilities are available in life, including ease of being, moving and feeling, less injuries, more capacities in all areas of life etc etc.

In this lab, we will explore rolling and crawling, perhaps some primitive reflexes that support Homolateral pattern.


Come with curiosity and an open mind.


“She is poetic, yet grounded. She is experiential yet confident in the benefits of exploring different ‘ways in’ to yoga. She is fluid and inspiring…”

A testimonial sent to Triyoga by an experienced Ashtanga practitioner who came to Aki’s workshop


A Series of 3 Workshop , offered in February - March 2022, now the recording available to purchase.

I am offering you a recording of the first workshop, “Returning” for you to purchase (see below for the workshop details).

If you would like it please email me.

“Returning to the Earth, Self and Connection”

For the new year, toward the end of the winter and the emergence of the spring, I have created a series of 3 workshops to offer you.

This is open to all who are interested, but originally intended to facilitate an event to support people, including those who suffer from long covid, their process to return to themselves and fullness of life in their own pace, following (and through) the pandemic. It is however beneficial for all people.

It is designed to support participants in proper resting and then (re)gaining a sense of safety, comfort, trust and curiosity through guided somatisation, touch (when appropriate) and movement practices that can invite the energy and their outward expressions - in whatever form, ie; movement, voice, art - to emerge from the deeply rested and supported place, hence does not deplete our system in doing so, instead one may feel a sense of rejuvenation and vigour arising within.

I divided the process over 3 workshops. (see below)

It is recommended to attend all 3 but can be taken individually and benefit as each one offers a different support system underlying.

All 3 workshops are now both in person and online. (Recording will be available for 7 days)


  1. Returning

Into the Earth, Self and Connection

1 Returning

A place of deep rest is found through returning deeply to the earth, gravity, darkness and internal breath - before the light can return. A deep rest that is truly restful holds “life”within. There is a sense of comfort & safety and it is not a dull or dissociative space. It is a place where we can begin to cultivate trust in the nature, humanity, our body our self and life.

When: 12th February 2022, 14.00-16.30 (GMT)

Where: Triyoga Camden / Online Livestream

Booking: Please book via Triyoga

Support system: (Nature / Developmental Movement / Embryology / Sound)

When we meet the earth and its gravitational pull, it informs us of our sense of self. This organism that we call “I” emerges and with the support of the earth and embodiment of the organism begin to learn to interact with the world around.
In this workshop, we will explore the art of transitioning, the pathway between rest and activity.
I will guide and support participants to discover how to go between stillness & movement where it requires the least amount of energy and effort.


Some of the feedback received after the first of this workshop series:

“Such a joy to be part of this! Aki is gently introducing difficult concepts and provoking beautiful light bulb moments! Her caring nature made us feel seen and included. A wonderful workshop, thank you for making it available online as well! Looking forward for the next ones!”

An insightful workshop as always!”

“I really enjoyed the workshop on Saturday and I would love to practice more with you!”

Awakening - the earth, community & inspired expression

2. Awakening

The Earth, Self, Community & Inspired Expression

2 Awakening

the earth, self, community & inspired expression

When: 26th February 2022, 14.00-16.30 (GMT)

Where: Triyoga Camden / Online Livestream

Booking: Please book via Triyoga

Support system: (Endocrine System / Somatic Nervous System / Breath / Voice)

With the embodied understanding of the earth’s support and a felt sense of ourselves, we now begin to explore the group minds - our community upon the earth, our relationships with the world around and others.

In this workshop, through the central channel along the spine, we will embody the support of the earth beneath, community & relationships upon the earth and then move upward along the channel to find our insight, creative mind. This is a gentle yet empowering practice that deeply connect you to yourself and beyond.

Homeostasis - Rhythm of Life

3. Homeostasis

Rhythm of Life & Psyche

3 Homeostasis

Rhythm of Life & Psyche

When: 26th March 2022, 14.00-16.30 (GMT)

Where: Triyoga Camden / Online Livestream

Booking: Please book via Triyoga

Support system: (Life / Nature / Autonomic Nervous System)

“Homeostasis” - Rhythm of Life & Psyche

There’s a rhythm or movement that we were born with, an incredible orchestration of all systems in our body that keeps us alive and seeks optimum health.

There are intricate rhythms of our body-mind, life & the nature that moves inward & outward, downward & upward - inward supports outward and vice versa - it’s not one or the other, it’s both… It is not a clock work. It is organic. Sometimes the coordination can go out of whack, let’s face it, it’s life! But life also has an innate ability to bring back the stability and balance.

How do you support yourself when you wish to attend to yourself, when it’s time to relax and nourish or rest and recuperate - your personal time that feels content…

How do you support yourself when you wish to explore the world, when it’s time to move outward to explore, play or exert your energy in the world with excitement or be with others without losing a sense of yourself…

We will enquire and explore our bodies’ innate ability to maintain the balance and how it can bring us back when we are feeling stuck. 

You will be guided in your journey to embody your autonomic nervous system rhythm and enquire into its relationship with our psyche.

Aki’s in-depth knowledge and generous spirit make her teaching a unique experience. Little gems of insight and understanding continuously arise during her sessions, which profoundly shifts awareness and perception so there comes about a real felt knowing in the body and new confidence in moving. Big thank you Aki. X

- Jean

Aki talks a whole other language when it comes to yoga.  She enables me to move through my bones and joints, my facia and organs by talking their language and making them feel heard.  My whole body feels heard and moved with Aki. And with this comes movement from a deep place, a deep listening and a deep understanding.  It's like opening a door ajar to another galaxy within.  Thank you Aki for being the one to guide me.

- Alice

Loved it today Aki, I know it sounds cliche but I feel very blessed to have found you as a teacher 🙏.  I think it’s probably because you embody it all so much, and you are so passionate about it all without the ego, you manage even though the little zoom screen to shift us and expand our awareness.

- Florendia